Wednesday, April 29, 2015

President Trading Cards

My Love and I have started a new project over the last few weeks. We have been studying the presidents. To do so, we printed out these really cute president pictures on cardstock. Then we discussed what would be important to include on each card.

Here is what my beautiful 9 year old decided on:

                    * Full Name
                    * Birth date and date of death
                    * Location of birth and death
                    * Details of their family
                    * Something important the president did while in office
                    * Something interesting about the president

It is really fun to watch her getting excited about learning something new about each president. She gets to decide what is important enough to make it on to the trading card. And we both get to learn lots of new stuff as we discuss what she has found while researching and narrowing it down to the most important. It is also awesome to let my daughter have the lead on this project. She does the research, she decides what should be on each card and which facts are the ones that make it. Watching her work through this process has just been incredible.

I would love to laminate them when we are done!

I know I saved the link to where we printed our pictures from, but cannot find it for the life of me. So here are some more options to help you.

If you are not up to making your own, here is a premade template from PBS.

This set here is more like what we printed out. We just printed, cut and used the back to add our own info.

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